
Sun Circle is a brand of Golden Compound GmbH and is intended to point consumers to particularly clever biodegradable products.

All questions can therefore be directed to the Golden Compound team.

Golden Compound GmbH
Kontakt André Möllers

André Möllers

André has been part of the Goldenteam for over 6 years and co-invented our Sun Circle brand. He started as a project engineer and is now our sales manager while continuing to manage the large projects.

Kontakt Josephine Donner

Josephine Donner

Josephine has been a key member of Golden Compound since November 2021. She is responsible for everything related to marketing and manages Golden Compound's presence as well as that of the Sun Circle brand.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her at any time.

You can also just write us here.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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